International Scholar Journal |
International Scholar Journal (ISJ) regards plagiarism as
a very serious offence. It is an illegal form of copying. The journal uses PlagScan to screen the
articles for plagiarism.
Plagiarism is defined as the unacknowledged use of the work of others as if this were your own
original work.
Examples of plagiarism:
By submitting paper for publication to the journal, Author(s) certify that:
Anti-plagiarism declaration:
I have read and understood the ISJ rules on plagiarism. I hereby declare that this piece of written
work is the result of my own independent scholarly work, and that in all cases material from the work of
others (in books, articles, essays, dissertations, and on the internet) is acknowledged, and quotations
and paraphrases are clearly indicated. No material other than that listed has been used. This written
work has not previously not yet been published.