ISJ publication provides a platform for researchers and scholars to share their work related to Pharmacy, Nursing, Paramedical, Life and Allied Sciences and Management Studies. The objective of ISJ is to disseminate high-quality research and practical applications in the field.
The main focus of ISJ is to publish original research articles that significantly contribute to scientific knowledge and Management Studies. The journal provides a platform for scholars to share their innovative ideas, research findings, and insights, and aims to promote interdisciplinary research and collaboration across various areas.
Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process:
ISJ is participating in the Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process. Acceptance of manuscripts is driven entirely by handling editorial team considerations and independent peer-review, ensuring the highest standards are maintained. The corresponding author or institution/organization is responsible for all the communications. The manuscripts are accepted only in MS Word format.
- Original research articles
- Reviews
- Case reports
- Short communications
- Letters to editor
- Discussion papers
- Book reviews
- How to do it type articles describing new methods or procedures
With Best Regards
Editor in Chief